Oct 26, 2015
by Paul Hughes
• Speaking from John 1:10 and Luke 19:1-10, Paul talks about the importance of receiving Jesus as he chooses to come to us.
Oct 19, 2015
by Paul Hughes
• Speaking from Psalm 1, Paul describes how a blessed person is the one who chooses to come under God's instruction, and rise above negative influences.
The message concluded with a soaking time with the United Pursuit song "Seasons Change (Live)" from their new album, Simple Gospel.
Oct 12, 2015
by Justin O'Shea
• The way we see God affects how we steward our dreams and desires. Speaking from Romans 8:32, Justin reminds us of God's generosity and commitment to seeing our desires fulfilled, as we look to him.
Oct 5, 2015
by Bob Ekblad
• Being lost qualifies us to be found. Bob speaks from Ezekiel 34:15,16 about God's heart to care for and shepherd us.