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River Streams

Welcome to the River Streams podcast, coming from The River Fellowship in Langley, British Columbia, Canada.

Dec 28, 2015

by Paul Hughes (with Debbie Mohamed, Anna Burns and Randy Maas)

• (Hebrews 11:8-12, Galatians 3:6) Sometimes stepping out in faith seems risky, but if we are willing to obey the voice of God, who loves us and desires to lead us into greater freedom, than is it really a risk? Perhaps what we are risking is the letting...

Dec 21, 2015

by Jonny Hughes

• Speaking from Psalm 23, Jonny reminds us that God desires to be the shepherd of our lives. When the LORD is our shepherd, he leads us into the fulfillment of all our needs.

Dec 14, 2015

by Justin O'Shea

•  Purity isn't just the absence of evil, it's also the absence of mixture. Speaking from 2 Corinthians 11:1-3, Justin encourages us to keep to the simplicity and purity of God's call on our life.

Dec 7, 2015

by Heidi Hughes

• Speaking from Romans 12:1 and James 4:11, Heidi invites us to become people of mercy.