May 29, 2017
by Paul Hughes
• (John 13:12-17, Ephesians 6:5-8) A true servant walks in the authenticity of a daily sincerity of character, letting go of any desire to be perceived in a certain way.
May 21, 2017
by Paul Hughes
• (John 13:1-17) Being washed by love involves being served and being saved, but it also involves surrendering to what we don't understand, knowing that we will in time.
May 15, 2017
by Joan Greenfield
• (Psalm 126, 2 Corinthians 6:4-10) Life isn't always easy. But when we've given our yes to God, our joy in Jesus carries us through difficult times.
May 8, 2017
by Justin O'Shea
• (Genesis 12:1-3, 26:1-6) Sometimes our mindsets can repel the things God wants to bless us with. We need to realign ourselves to the truth that God's promise to Abraham is our promise too.
May 1, 2017
by Randy Maas
• (Genesis 3:1-21, Galatians 5:1-6) Kingdom freedom is about enjoying God's presence and the bounty of his goodness. Unfortunately, we can miss experiencing that freedom when we hide behind distractions and avoid being open and vulnerable.