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River Streams

Welcome to the River Streams podcast, coming from The River Fellowship in Langley, British Columbia, Canada.

Jun 18, 2018

by Paul Hughes

Jesus disrupts disunity, and calls us to walk in the collective identity of members of his body on the earth. "One love, one blood, one life, you got to do what you should. One life with each other: sisters, brothers. One life, but we're not the same. We get to carry each other, carry each other. One,...

Jun 11, 2018

by Vinnie & Joy Imperial 

Jun 4, 2018

by Paul Hughes

All of us experience a deep hole inside that can only be filled by the presence of God, who has put eternity in our hearts. He not only wants to fill that hole, but also to bring us home and throw a party for us out of his great compassion and love. (Ecclesiastes 3:11; Luke 15:11-24)